
INTERACTIVITY - curator Andrea Kovács

How simple human gestures and easy access technologies could help empirical understanding and research processes? How can we reflect on our own observations and perception? Is it possible to create new interactive methods and concepts that remain human feelings and physical existence in the future digital culture as well? How could we (re)discover new forms of interactivity by light? How could we activate our senses in the present moment and relate to each other by taking part in a luminous experience? How could we get connected and detect light effects together?

MATERIALITY - curator Anu Raatikainen

What light feels and why, why light attracts, what it symbolizes in an artwork? We have such a direct, pre-conceptual, bodily relationship to light that it´s sometimes hard to verbalize and define what kinds of feelings, sensations and meanings light evokes. Light´s property between materiality and immateriality makes it an intriguing media for creating an artwork. Anu is interested in contemplating and unraveling light´s conceptual and symbolic role in artworks, it´s relationship to human body, feelings and sensations and the dialogue with other materials and media.

COMMUNITY - curator Christina Dvinge

Christina's passion is to understand relations between people and places - and ultimately the worlds they make for themselves. Through her curatorial practice she is committed to exploring how light art can inspire communities to re-design, re-think and re-enact spaces. To Christina the artist and the audience always make up two actually important parts of an art experience. Her projects often have a strong community-centered and knowledge-building focus.

© Suomen valotaiteen seura FLASH Finnish Light Art Society
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