curators and lecturers


Teemu Määttänen (b. 1978) is a media artist from Helsinki, Finland.

Teemu has been working on his own installations since 2006, creating works displayed in galleries and festivals. He has also been working in dance- and theatre productions in Finland since 2006.

From 2008 to 2014 Teemu worked as a researcher and media designer in the University of Tampere, Center for Practise as Research in Theatre. He has been teaching media technologies, interactivity and content creation as a visiting teacher in the University of the Arts, Theatre Academy and Aalto University since 2007. In 2015 he coordinated the Digital Visual Design - Advanced Intermediality in Performance program for the University of the Arts, Theatre Academy, which started in 2016. In 2019 Teemu started working as the Lecturer in Digital Design Methods in Film, Television and Theatre in the Department of Film, Television and Scenography in Aalto University.

In his work, Teemu is studying the relationships between space, light, colour and movement. He is also building interactivity into his current works, working mostly in the Processing environment,

For more videos, check out his Vimeo page at


Christina DVINGE  (1984) is a Danish curator who has worked strategically with art and cultural projects in the public realm for almost 10 years - both as a cultural entrepreneur, an urban consultant and a curator. She is the founder of REFLEKTOR Light Festival, which was established in Copenhagen and later on as a sister festival in Helsinki. Also she has been a Guest Speaker and Guest Curator of Lux Helsinki.

Christina is the founder and owner of Kaleidoskop Light Culture Agency, an interdisciplinary agency specialized in light art in the public realm. Christina is specialized in the cultural practice and the use of spaces related to light and atmosphere. Strong conceptualization, clear communication, curiosity towards explorative experience formats and a genuine passion for light, art, people, community and atmosphere is at the core of Christina's work and is essential to the way she develops projects as a curator.

Christina holds a master in Applied Cultural Analysis an academic discipline based on the theoretical and methodological framework of Cultural Anthropology and Business Anthropology with a special focus on temporarity in the urban realm.

Andrea KOVÁCS is a Hungarian curator, creative manager and concept developer based in Budapest, Hungary. With 10+ years of experience as a coordinator of several national and international productions she is developing interdisciplinary forms of cooperation between different areas of art and creative industries. Her main interest lies in discovering various layers of human signals and creating unique contexts for interactivity by using different mediums.

Her own established Let it Be! art agency is engaged in managing and initiating projects which are focusing on new synergy of art and technology. She is the editor of Trafó House of Contemporary Arts' smART! program series and co-curator of Zsolnay Light Festival. She used to work in Finland in KIASMA Contemporary Art Museum and for the Dance House Helsinki city project. She gave presentations among others at Transmediale Vorspiel, Lux Helsinki, Prague Quadrennial, and also curated installations for City of Light Jyväskylä, Athens Digital Arts Festival, Live Cinema Festival Rome, Vilnius Light Festival, Riders on the Mall Festival Budapest, Collegium Hungaricum Berlin, Hungarian Cultural Center Istanbul and Helsinki.


Anu RAATIKAINEN is a Finnish multidisciplinary artist based in Helsinki, Finland. She graduated from Finnish Academy of Fine Arts with a Master's Degree in December 2017. Anu has been participating in group and solo exhibitions in Finland and abroad. Last year she had an exhibition in MUU Gallery Helsinki, a solo exhibition in Japan and she participated in a group exhibition in Italy. She has been a deputy board member in Finnish Light Art Association from 2018 onwards.

Working with various media Anu has also developed a unique technique of light drawing that makes use of special painting medium and paper combined with metal sculpting. Light has been a unifying factor as a medium, theme and a metaphor in Anu´s practice that has otherwise spread to different media and experiments. In her works light represents some kind of immaterial life force, a bridge between technology and nature.


Minna SIRNÖ is  Director of Library and Cultural Services, Orimattila City

PhD Student, University of Jyväskylä

Former Director of the Arts Promotion Centre Finland (including Arts Council system), MP, Vice President of the Left Party

Topic for lecture is: "Absence and presence of art in the programs of Finnish parties"

Signe SYLVESTER is the founder of "Den Kreative Forretning" - a platform through which she hosts a podcasts, teachings and coaching sessions on how to transform artistic practice into sustainable business. She is the founder and former director of the the art library Artoteket.

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